Community Histories

Partridge Island:  In Saint John Harbour. Quarantine Station forever associated with the Great Irish Famine of 1845 – 1852, Derived from French perdrix for "partridge".

Patterson or Patterson Settlement: Community, 3 mi. S of Hoyt and 3 mi. NW of Wirral: Blissville Parish, Sunbury County and Petersville Parish, Queens County: Walter, William and Andrew Patterson, from County Donegal, Ireland, settled about 1840: PO 1866-1915: in 1898 Patterson Settlement had 1 post office, 1 church and a population of 75: became part of Hoyt.

Phillipstown: Settlement, 3 mi. NE of Coles Island, on the road to Brookvale: Johnston Parish, Queens County: was named for David Phillips, settler and teacher from Derry, Ireland, 1819: Thomas, William Sr. and William Phillips Jr. were also settlers: included Victory: PO 1879-1929: in 1898 Victory was a settlement with 1 post office and a pop- ulation of 50: today Phillipstown is a dispersed community.

Pokeshaw: Settlement on Chaleur Bay, 3 mi. SW of Grande-Anse, on the road to New Bandon: New Bandon Parish, Gloucester County: PO Pockshaw 1860-1913: in 1866 it was a fishing, farming and lumbering community with about 57 resident families: in 1871 Pokeshaw and surrounding district had a population of 600: in 1898 Pokeshaw was a flag station on Caraquet and Gulf Shore Railway and had 1 post office, 2 stores, 1 hotel, 1 sawmill, 1 grist mill and a population of 250: it included Riordon: PO 1890-1913 with John J. Riordon as the first postmaster: in 1898 Riordon was a farming and lumbering settlement with 1 post office, 1 store, 1 hotel, 1 saw and grist mill and a pop -ulation of 50: today Riordon and Pokeshaw are dispersed communities.