Community Histories

Inchby: Settlement on Dunn Brook, 6 mi. W of Hampstead, on the road to Jerusalem: Hampstead Parish, Queens County: Nathaniel Inch came from Ireland in 1825: PO 1883-1928 with Nathaniel Inch as first postmaster: in 1898 Inchby was a farming settlement with 1 post office, 1 store and a population of 50: now within CFB Gagetown.

Innishannon Brook: Flows W into Riviere Caraquet in New Bandon Parish. Named for a place on River Bandon in Ireland. In Micmac – Medawak, “red bank”.

Irish River: 1819, Flows S into Bay of Fundy. Named for former Irish settlers at the source of Irish River. Saunders 1842 Quaco R; Loggie 1901 Vaughan’s Creek. Loggie 1901 had Irish River on Mosher River. Vaughans Creek was the common name for the tidal estuary of Irish River. William Vaughan had a planing mill there in 1875.

Irish Settlement: Community, 2 mi. NE of Joliffs Brook and 3 mi. SW of Collina: Springfield Parish, Kings County: settled about 1824: included Thomond, 2 mi. N of Irish Settlement: named for medieval name for N part of Munster in Ireland: PO 1880-1913: in 1898 Thomond was a settlement with 1 post office, 2 churches: also included Waterloo Corner: settled in 1819 by Irish immigrants who had fought with Wellington at Battle of Waterloo, 18 June 1815: today Irish Settlement is a dispersed community.

Irish Settlement: Community, 2 mi. W of Richmond Corner: Richmond Parish, Carleton County: today Irish Settlement is a dispersed community.

Irish Settlement: See Waterloo Corner (Johnston Parish, Queens County)

Irishtown: Settlement, 2 mi. N of Tankville: Moncton Parish, Westmorland County: settled in 1821 by Irish immigrants: PO 1859-1934: in 1866 Irishtown was a farming community with approximately 50 resident families: in 1871 it had a population of 300: in 1898 Irishtown was a station on Moncton and Buctouche Railway and a settlement with 1 post office, 1 church and a population of 200: today Irishtown is a dispersed community.

Irishtown: Former community near Limekiln: Stanley Parish, York County: in 1866 it was a farming settlement with approximately 10 resident families.

Irishtown Road Reservoir: 4 mi. N of Moncton. Established 1879 by John Harris. Formerly named Black Mill Brook Reservoir and Fitzsimmons Reservoir.